Martin has been trimming all of my horses’ feet for many years. He is a man of great integrity, always reliable, punctual and honest. He demonstrates compassion to all horses and humans. Everyone of my horses’ feet have improved considerably in condition and strength with Martin’s expert trimming and advice. His dedication to his craft and the safety of the horse and owner during the trimming process is commendable. With the added bonus of great conversation, he is my first recommendation as a barefoot trimmer.
Martin Godwin Equine provides complete personalised care for your equine friends.
I’ve built my business on the genuine care I have for my maned friends and the natural bond I have with horses. Having cared for my clients’ horses and donkeys for more than 12 years, clients trust that I will provide a positive experience for their horse, every time.
My natural horsemanship methods are based on years of professional training, ongoing professional development and a team of industry mentors, all of which underpin the quality equine care your horse receives.
During my professional training I spent some time studying under Andrew Bowe (Barefoot Blacksmith) as part of my Diploma in Equine Podiotherapy, then further a short time with Master Farrier, David Farmilo to learn some of the complimentary aspects between farriers and trimmers. I enjoy combining what I have learnt in my professional studies with that from some of the best in our trade, to offer my clients a broad range of thought and experience to help put your horse on the right path to optimal health.
My commitment to you
✓ You can be sure that I will treat your animal with respect and compassion.
✓ You can be sure that I can help your horse achieve optimal hoof health.
✓ You can be sure that I will show up to our appointments, on time.
✓ You can be sure that I will offer you options and recommendations for your horses’ benefit.
✓ You can be sure that you will get me on the job, not someone you or your horse doesn’t know.
✓ You can be sure that we will have some great conversation..
I can’t wait to meet you and your maned friend!
Read about my horse, Leon and that ‘something special’ connection we shared.
Martin Godwin
Dip. Equine Podiotherapy, Dip. Equine Myofunctional Therapy, Cert. Saddle Fitting, Cert IV TAE 40116
Member Australian Horse Industry Council, Donkey Society of Victoria